Diablo 2 character disappeared single player
Diablo 2 character disappeared single player

diablo 2 character disappeared single player

I’ve done it countless times with numerous characters with the same skills and different gear or same gear and different skills. We are forced into a storyline and the game is not an open world like The Elder Scrolls, but we have a beginning and an end that spans the growth of a character from level 1 to somewhere in the 80s.

diablo 2 character disappeared single player

I can decide what skills to use, what equipment, and roleplay pretty much any type of character because the engine was built with the ability for people to play off-the-wall builds with ease. Yes, Diablo is an RPG, an action one, but nonetheless, it is an RPG at its heart. RPGs in general have one very common denominator. Does the data you have support more than a small portion of the player base? We aren’t 5% of the people and if we are I’d be very surprised. The sheer number of players that play this game offline more than online is vast and we are a very vocal group. The desire is high, but we want to get this nailed down for ladder play first and will move into looking at it for offline afterwards.” Players want Single Player I can say that it is being looked into but for now, I would expect this to be a Ladder S2 feature as we are able to make tweaks to online numbers on the fly while SP has diff values for XP and needs to be tuned differently. “Lastly, I know there were a lot of voices wanting this in SP.

Diablo 2 character disappeared single player